Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grad School Roller Coaster Ride

SO, I was accepted into the MBA program at the U a couple of months ago, but my acceptance was contingent upon my retaking the GMAT and scoring above a 50 percentile on the quantitative section. Evidently, quantitative is a fancy schmancy way of saying Math. Why don't they just say math? Anyway, I studied for a month, putting my Ironman training on hold to learn how to do algebra, geometry, fractions, and long division again. I didn't even touch the verbal material in my studies because all I cared about was getting a 50 percentile in math. I took the test on Saturday and scored 30 percentile on the math, 81 percentile on the verbal. I think I may have had a better result if I had studied the verbal and not touched the math. When I saw my results, I could literally see my hopes of getting my MBA go up in smoke. I wanted to cry, so I went out and killed my body for 2 hours on my bike to vent my frustrations. It made me feel much better, even though I threw up in my mouth twice and almost passed out from heat stroke, but I digress. After my ride, I emailed the admissions committee to tell them what an idiot I was for not doing better on the math and that I'd hope to see them before my 50th birthday. I also made sure to mention my high verbal score. :) Today, I got the best birthday present of all from the admissions committee when I received the following email:


The Admissions Committee has had an opportunity to review your circumstances and previous coursework. They feel you have much to offer the program and are willing to welcome you into the PMBA program on the condition you maintain a 3.25 GPA during your first semester. The GPA condition is in lieu of your quantitative results on the GMAT. I have attached a contract and ask you to return it by the end of the week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

University of Utah Admissions

Did you notice the part about me "having much to offer the program"? I wonder if they're referring to my fantastic leg shaving abilities.... Now if I can just figure out how I'm going to pay for this, I'll be in business. Anyone know how to count cards?


Unknown said...

Phew! I'm glad it's all working out, Geoff! Best wishes on the Half-Ironman!

Amber said...

That email is quite the compliment! That is totally rad and I am really proud of you! You are going to be one busy man pretty soon with school and work!
I'm glad you finally updated your blog!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Good for you Geoff! They probably have NO IDEA how much you have to offer...but I'm glad they saw enough to let you in...that's the best decision they could have made for their program!

Good Work and Good Luck!

You are a STAR!


Cody and Jen said...

Yeah!! Geoff congrats on getting into school!! Good luck to you. We can call and talk about our trials and triumphs together. Love you